"So," you ask, "why a blog from Steve Hoffman?"
Well, that's a good question. The answer is, "None of your business." Actually, like about 80% of the Blogs out there, this is an experiment to see if I my internal thoughts have any relevance to anyone else out there. The last time I tried, using "editthissite.com," I'm not sure whether I was mentally ready. I also did not yet have the fine examples of other bloggers out there to copy....er, I mean "show me the way."
Just so you know what you are likely to see here (and to expose at least some of my internal biases; others will have to wait to be exposed by my posts)....I work for WebMD, as VP, Product Management for Medscape.com, "The Medical Information Network Used by More Physicians...", so my professional interests certainly revolve around using Internet Technology to communicate (hence, this experiment with Weblogs!), as well as how these technologies are changing both the business and practice of Medicine. Of course, insert standard disclaimer here about how my opinions are my own and how anything you may read here does not reflect anything about my employer....blah, blah, blah.
I'm approaching a big B-day milestone (40, May, 2003) -- so you'll probably get to share in my impending midlife crisis....I have three great kids (8, 5, and 3), so you will certainly hear about them....and I'm a fairly heavy user (at home, not at work, unfortunately) of Apple products, so I will inevitably add to the incredibly disproporationate amount of noise on the web about the company and how it's hardware and software works for real people. Last, but not least, I'm somewhat of a Home Theater buff, and I'm hooked on whatever little HDTV comes into my Family Room, so I'll probably have some stuff to say on how that whole thing is progressing.
Please email me whenever you want. The little envelope in the blue area to the right will do the trick. It may be the only thing that keeps me posting!