I've been spending some time in the last two days getting things set up at my new Typepad address (thanks for the offer, Jacob, but I had already started!). Things are looking pretty good. I actually went back through the "dead" pages here at the Radio address and literally cut and pasted the old posts from before my hard drive crashed (that are still alive on the Radio server but no longer part of my Radio installation's database) back into Radio. Then I used Bill Kearney's Exporter tool to output a text file, went in and changed all the dates to the original posting dates, and THEN imported to Typepad. It took me most of my commute home (don't worry, I don't drive...I take a train), plus about two more hours last night, but now the new Tales of Hoffman is a fully reconstructed version of my blog from Day One.
If I can get my act together in the next day, we'll have the official launch of the new "Tales" tomorrow -- the exact one year anniversary of the first post here (here is at my old Radio address, I know, this is confusing). How fitting!
Congratulations, it looks quite good.
Posted by: Bob K | August 28, 2003 at 01:33 PM
I agree, it looks good. And I'm fixing your URL in my blogroll.
Posted by: GruntDoc | August 29, 2003 at 01:23 PM