I've been accumulating a few more medical blogs in my "Favorites" and waiting for some time to add them to the blogroll. Well, no time like the present! Magdalen News is written by Laura Waters Jackson, a hospital chaplain. What a great opportunity to get a completely different perspective on what's going on in healthcare. I'll be tracking her site closely (too bad it doesn't yet have an RSS feed...). CORRECTION: As per her comment below, Laura's site DOES have an RSS feed, I just coudn't find it on her site. It's at: http://www.magdaleninstitute.org/weblog/index.rdf -- great!
The first time I read Spankys Place, authored by an ER Nurse that goes by the name Azygos, I thought I had wondered into another dimension where brutal honesty mixed with incredible humor was the way of the world. Talk about your unique perspectives. If you've every wondered what's going on inside the head of that nurse who is providing you fantastic care but somehow holding it all together with a calm, measured, exterior, get a load of this blog.
Written by an IT Analyst who works in a hospital setting, Anticlue is another good way to see how the "other half lives." And by other half, I mean those of us who think about how technology impacts healthcare. It just started up in October, but so far, so good.
Please patronize these new entries to the blogroll.