Tog points out the importance of REAL QA testing by ranting about the bugs in his Dish PVR. Sounds like a real mess to me.
Of course, he could be using a TIVO, but he buys into the "privacy paranoia crowd." I don't understand these folks....Does Tivo know what I watch? In some sense, yes. do they really care about what I, Steve Hoffman, watch on a daily basis. Of course not! Am I so self centered as to think that they are tracking my personal viewing habits on an individual basis? No. And if they were, would I care? Not a lick. Really, folks. Let's get over ourselves. If you think it's better to use a buggy (or broken!) product because the far better alternative reports back some of your usage to a database that's probably too large and complicated for anyone to make sense of (let alone recognize you personally in...), you need to step back re-evaluate your priorities.
By the way, last night, we watched Rudolph, then 24, then Queer Eye. If anyone wants to track my viewing on a daily basis, let me know. I'll be happy to keep you posted.