OK, so now I'm up and running with my Verizon Treo. Way cool. Very nice device and the service seems to be ok as well. Now I want to know whatever happened to all the neat Moblogging advances that the Typepad folks showed way back in February at the Demo Forum? I read the list of improvements with great interest (particularly the part about the Palm client), and since Verizon provides NO email application (geez), and insists on putting their own, self-serving signature at the bottom of every SMS message (what's up with that?) and the email apps I've tried (snappermail and Eudora) don't allow inline photos....I am hungry for this release. I hold out hope that it's still coming, otherwise they would have taken the announcement off the home page. But that was back in February....I know better than most that you never want to project a launch date (software/web functionality is never ready until it's ready), but it's been quite a long time without a peep about this. Anyone have any news?