We're trying something new on Medscape today -- a LIVE expert interview on a breaking news story that you can listen to over the web and submit questions to the expert while it's happening. It'll be interesting to see how much of an audience we can drum up, so drop by if you are free today at 3pm Eastern time. Here's a description of the "event":
A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine has increased the debate over the efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) vs mammography for breast cancer screening. Discuss the latest results with an expert in the field, Steven E. Harms, MD, of the University of Arkansas. Dr. Harms will be available to discuss this study and other issues surrounding the use of MRI in the detection and management of breast cancer.
This live event occurs on Monday, August 9, 2004, at 3:00 pm Eastern time. Go to this page on August 9, starting at 2:45 pm Eastern time to connect to the Web conference. You will be able to see and hear Dr. Harms' presentation online as well as submit questions as he presents.
Since docs keep telling us they look to us for our news coverage, this is just one of the things we are doing to leverage the wide availability of broadband and bring superior news coverage to docs. If you can't make it live, it'll be available as an archived webcast for the forseeable future. Let me know what you think.
UPDATE: I think it went very well. Enoch came, and I'm happy to report that he liked it. It'll be available at that same URL (above) as a multimedia archive. Come when you can.