After a bunch of months where RSS in My Yahoo was basically in a Beta state, the big rollout has finally occurred and Yahoo is embracing RSS in a big, big way. They've basically opened up My Yahoo so that you can add any RSS feed alongside their normal content modules, so now My Yahoo is finally "MY YAHOO" not "Yahoo's version of some of what I would like to have in My Yahoo" ;-)
This is a great move by Yahoo and, once again, a step in the right direction of expanding RSS beyond the small audience it has had so far.
I did have one question, that maybe someone out there can answer because I can't find any place to submit this question on Yahoo...Any idea why it won't work with the Medscape RSS feeds that have Upper Case characters in their URL ( but works fine with Medscape RSS feeds that are all lower case (
Posted that one to Jeremy Zawodny's blog here, but I'm not sure he appreciates receiving Yahoo bug reports on his blog. :-)