Kudos to Susan Yox, the editor of Medscape's Nursing site, and all the readers of that fine site for getting the recognition they deserve from American Medical News. Susan posted a plea for medical textbooks to be donated to Iraq and the online community has responded beyond everyone's best expectations. It's nice to not only do well, but also do good -- at the same time. Here's a quick excerpt from the article:
Dr. Gifford, who was now in touch with Dr. Garza, included Dr. Yox in their e-mails, and in the summer of 2003, an article about the book drive was posted on the Medscape Nurses site. The company also made a donation of 3,000 copies of Scientific American Medicine and ACS Surgery.
The article brought an avalanche of responses. Dr. Gifford paid for a couple of small shipments himself before realizing that the scale of donations would quickly tap him dry. He started calling military friends and found that officials at Fort Bragg, N.C., were willing to fly out more than 2,000 volumes donated by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York on a space-available basis. Fort Bragg shipped another six pallets of medical journals donated by Merck Frosst Canada.
Here's the link to the full article.