It's been a damn interesting month since I last posted regularly. I love blogging and all, but certain things happen and all of the sudden, making these posts tend to fall to the bottom of the list.
My focus the past few weeks has been taken up with an "upclose and personal" brush with our healthcare system. I don't want to go into all the details (they would just bore you anyway), but let's just say it started with intense chest pains and ended with a prescription for Nexium. In between, there was a hairy visit to the emergency room, an overnight stay for "monitoring," a brush with Nuclear Cardiology, and a gastroscopy that I'm not sure went the way it was supposed to (you're not supposed to be awake and remember the whole thing, are you?).
In any event, I'm pretty much back to normal and Tales of Hoffman should start returning to regular posting -- just without the spicy food.
One thing I will say however, is that just about every medical professional I met along the way was incredibly nice and supremely competent (except maybe the person who was supposed to make sure I was sufficiently sedated during the gastroscopy!). In addition, it's really nice to tell people that I work at Medscape and have them reply, "Oh, I use that site!" Once I heard that, I started feeling better already.
Now, where was I? Oh yes, getting Medical Blog Grand Rounds onto Medscape...expanding the Medscape Podcasts....and the truly important stuff: coaching soccer, helping with homework, hanging out with my's good to be back.