I'm supposed to be home by now, but I'm writing this from my hotel room as weather back in NY has kept me in Orlando for another full day. Hopefully, the airports will get their act together by tonight. I'm ready to go home.
The ACC meeting was fine. Met some great docs and some docs who just wanted a free pen. Tell me really, is there some great pen shortage out there that I don't know about? Because you would think we were putting out small sticks of gold boullion the way these guys (and gals) were flocking around our booth and picking up two and three at a time. sigh.
Anyway, on to the thing I wish I hadn't seen. How can it be that with all their training and knowledge about infection and transmission of disease that there are docs who do not wash their hands after using the Men's room? What's that all about? Now, I know that these guys are at a conference and they aren't getting ready to do a procedure at the Olrando Convention Center, but -- excuse me -- they are getting ready to shake my hand. Geez, are you sure you're a doctor?
#1 I wash my hands before I touch my Johnson to use the restroom. Your hands are covered in germs from touching ordinary stuff, like door handles, hand rails, etc. Since I showered, the only thing my Johnson has touched is the inside of a clean pair of drawers. So effectively washing your hands after you use the restroom is just cleaning all the germs you applied to your unit while relieving yourself. Ask your g/f or wife is she wants everyone's hands in her when the 2 of you get together for a session.
#2 My parents taught me NOT to pee on myself when they toilet trained me. If you're having problems, you might wanna check back with the parents.
#3 Any doctor will tell you that urine is sterile
Posted by: Use Commom Sense | March 26, 2005 at 09:36 AM
#1 The guy who posted above me is a dirty bastard.
#2 My parents taught me sto WASH MY HANDS AFTER TOUCHING MY PENIS something your parents seemed not to have been smart enough to figure out.
#3 Logic is not this guy above me's strong point at all.
Posted by: Seth | March 26, 2005 at 06:05 PM
#1 The guy who posted above me is an ignorant name-caller.
#2 So, your parents taught you that your penis is dirty. That is nothing to be proud of.
#3 Urine is, in fact, a sterile liquid. Logic has nothing to do with it.
Given all that, I usually wash my hands anyway because I am a pussy and peer pressure makes me.
Posted by: Uncle Mike | March 27, 2005 at 06:25 PM
me & my cousin were both told by our respective mothers to pee on it as first aid if we had cut ourselves while out playing.
Posted by: sal | April 04, 2005 at 06:48 PM
To wash or not to wash, sterile or not sterile?
I hate to shake hands and I wouldn't piss on my silverware to make sure it's sterile.
Posted by: Stan | April 06, 2005 at 06:08 PM