Boy, I have quite a backup of stuff to post. I'm going to try to get to it over the next few days, but here's a rough update. Spent the last few days at the Jupiter Search Engine Strategies conference...That's where I'm posting from today No Wi-Fi in most of the conference rooms, but I found some here in the "keynote" hall where I'm about to hear about something they are dubbing "search convergence." I'm dubious. By the way, since most of the sessions are being blogged at the Search Engine Watch site and they are one of the major sponsors, let me just say that if they are restricting wi-fi to a spot far from the conference rooms in order to preserve some kind of monopoly on breaking info for Danny Sullivan's site, that's pretty lame. Anyway, if anything interesting is said, I'll throw it up here. If you are interested, a lot of the sessions are being blogged here
Other sessions this week I would dub as "useful" but not "life changing". As many have said, once you get the technical basics of SEO down (let spiders see your stuff, don't do anything to make them angry, etc.), it truly is about providing the best experience for your users. In 9.9 times out of 10 making the best decision, design and content-wise for your users is also the best decision you can make from the SEO side of the equation.
Let's see...other cool stuff...tomorrow Jacob comes to the Medscape offices as part of our external speaker series to regale us with his tales of wired doc-dom I'm really looking forward to that.
And Tales of Hoffman hits the road again with our semi-annual trip to a major medical conference. This weekend I'll be taking off for Orlando to man the Medscape booth at the ACC. If you are planning on being there, please come by the Medscape booth and say hi. I think it would be very cool to meet some more readers in person. I'll be there through Tuesday.