A few weeks ago I saw Spamalot on Broadway (great, great show by the way, especially for folks like me who grew up with the Pythons...) and, of course, the headline of this post figured prominently. It even got a song of it's own.
Well, that's the song I'm forced to sing now, as Jacob drags me, kicking and screaming, into posting again. Yes, I've been remiss, and my last two or three posts have been about how I'm not posting (that can't be a good sign), but his mention of me in this week's Medical Blog Grand Rounds may be the kick in the pants that I need to start posting again.
Obviously, I'm a little more removed from the medical blog world than I once was, but I'm still tracking the scene and I can tell you it's as vibrant as ever.
Personally, I'm immersed in my new job, which is great. We're really getting some fun stuff done here. And the weekends are just a cornucopia of kids sports with three soccer practices, three soccer games and two baseball games every weekend through the fall. I'm coaching soccer again and I'm now the webmaster of our local ASYO league. Take a look at our new site, I'm particularly proud of the redesign I did there (using CSS-based design, no less!).
So, I'm not done posting. I just need to get over the "I don't have anything to add to that topic" mood I've been in and start spouting my opinions to anyone that wants to read them. Let's see. If the next post is about how it's been a long time since I've posted (again), then it may be time to hang it up! ;-)