I love when people don't take themsleves too seriously, and this is a perfect example. Some Canadian Doc decides to help out a friend at a resort and clear his wax-clogged ear, but there's no syringe around. So he uses what he's got at hand...one of those mega water guns called a Super Soaker.
Of course, he could have left it at that, but no, why do that? Why not write an article for the CMJ? And, by the way, why wouldn't the CMJ accept said article? Why not, indeed!
Here's my favorite part, in the footnotes:
Disclaimer: Despite what bush-mad physicians may get up to on their private islands, CMAJ by no means endorses this particular application of the Super Soaker Max-Whatever. Do not try this at home.Acknowledgements: The authors would like to particularly thank Mr. Charlie Bannister, age 4, for his gracious loan of his Super Soaker Max-D 5000 for this pressing clinical and social need.
Competing interests: None of the authors holds stock in the Super Soaker Max-D 5000, water pistols or any devices of that kind.
Read the full article here: A novel method for the removal of ear cerumen. Bravo, CMJ, for having a sense of humor.
(via Boing Boing)